Perform 1 min. each exercise, 15 second rest in between each exercise. Perform the exercises in the circuit format. Beginners: 1 round of each move. Light resistance band. Intermediate / advanced levels, increase weight and/or the resistance of the band, perform 2 to 3 rounds
Beach Booty Exercises:
Single Leg Weighted Bridge
Repeat other leg
Banded Glute bridge
Single leg banded bridge
Repeat other leg
Slow deep squats
Banded lateral squat walk
Straight leg Booty Burners
Bent knee booty Burners
Tips: perform each exercise slowly and deliberately. Focus on feeling the muscles in your glutes contract and controlling the movement of your body. Flex your glutes at the top of each motion and hold for a beat before returning to starting position. Exhale upon the hardest part of the exercise.